Saturday, October 12, 2013

Straight Talk

Straight Talk is the best deal in wireless! They offer unlimited smartphone service-unlimited talk, text and data for only $45/month. And, best of all, their services run on the top wireless networks-AT&T, Verizon, T-mobile and Sprint.
In our household, Straight Talk is an easy choice. For what we spend on 2 lines with Straight Talk, we would spend on 1 line with those other guys.
My oldest daughter is the latest addition to the Strsight Talk family, in our house. She saved up her money, bought a smartphone that fits her needs for now. She's already planned to use her savings to pay for her next, awesome smartphone from Straight Talk.
My wife is also shopping for her next phone-her first smartphone. Straight Talk was, once again, the obvious choice. Her previous wireless carrier charged more than double what Straight Talk charges, and their service is NOWHERE NEAR unlimited!
All of my friends and family have seen not only the tremendous savings but, also the satisfaction we get from the great smartphones and excellent service we get from Straight Talk wireless that they, too, are making the switch.
We all hope that Straight Talk Wireless is around, for years to come!

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